Tag Archives: hobby

My new hobby…

24 Nov

Some of my knitting knits

A lot of my friends are already aware/embarrassed about my new hobby. Since living in Bristol I have dabbled in a few things… hooping, swimming, various dance classes, aerobics… unfortunately nothing really “clicked” for me or became a regular part of my routine. I had hoped I would find something active to occupy me when I am not at work – to get fit and in shape. It would appear the activity I have become most passionate about involves me sitting down.

For some reason unknown to me, I decided on August 31st of this year that I wanted to learn how to knit. I can’t remember why this was, but I went and bought some purple yarn and a pair of needles to embark on this task. 4 hours in front of YouTube and I could not fathom a single stitch, until a tutorial by a seven year old girl finally made sense to me. I knitted a wonky, holey purple block of stitches and from then on I was hooked. I have since managed to knit baby booties, a Christmas stocking, several attractive scarves, and knitted flowers and bows.

I have been exposed to a new world of craft and colour. There is so much to learn – so many variations and abbreviations that I think I am going to need some help! I have had a couple of lessons from a really talented and lovely Bristol based knitter, The Homemade Mama, who corrected my self-taught technique and gave me some good tips to set me on my way. The things I am able to do at the moment are very basic so I have booked a knitting course from January to start learning more. My mum is a brilliant knitter and always knits something lovely when a baby is on the way, and I would love to be able to do the same. (I can’t do sleeves….or collars…or buttonholes… YET)

I am currently working on some Christmas gifts for my friends and family (you lucky people!) and I would like to start a campaign of knitting squares to eventually create a patchwork blanket. I have found knitting to be almost therapeutic, it is really relaxing and there is a great sense of achievement when you have actually managed to create something. There is a big community in Bristol of knitters and crafters which I would like to immerse myself in once I am a bit better at it!

Typical of me, I have now decided I want to own a wool shop and knit all day – drinking tea, chatting with other knitters and whipping up jumpers. Watch this space. (!)

Here are some of my new favourite websites:







Some cute knitted bows by Yiskah Knits